I donArsquo;t know if itArsquo;s the iron focus FC 24 Coins, the need to constantly practise in order to keep your skills honed, or the live-service elements of competitive games, but they tend to be much harder to keep up with than other titles. I can jump into a Pokemon battle after not playing for four months since Scarlet Aamp; VioletArsquo;s release and still wipe the floor with a skilled opponent, but a week off Apex Legends? Suddenly IArsquo;m not winning my ones and end my first session back with a miserly sub-zero K/D.
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The same goes for FIFA. IArsquo;m not great at FIFA, but IArsquo;m not bad. However, I took a year off the franchise in my final year of uni and, when I turned up at a friendArsquo;s house with a crate of beer and a controller in my hand, he slotted four or five past me in ten consecutive matches. With competitive games more than any other genre, youArsquo;re punished for living a life outside of their cyclical ecosystems.
IArsquo;ve had less time to spend playing games since becoming a dad, and I wouldnArsquo;t have it any other way. Spending time with my family will always take precedence over my solo hobbies, so IArsquo;m more selective about the games I spend time with, and how much time I spend with them. Unfortunately, this means that my competitive skills have grown rusty. I still love dropping into WorldArsquo;s Edge or taking to the virtual Anfield pitch, but I lose more often than I win. I just about scrape Gold in ApexArsquo;s ranked ladder, which I daresay isnArsquo;t too shabby for the handful of hours I put in each week, but when you come up against a three-stack of Diamonds, youArsquo;ve got no chance.
ThatArsquo;s why I proffer the idea of dad leagues. You donArsquo buy EAFC 24 Coins;t have to be a dad, or even a parent, to participate, but I thought of the idea so I get to name it. This would be a matchmaking system for the time-poor player who still has that competitive streak, lapsed ranked grinders and eager headshotters who canArsquo;t be doing with the rigmarole of completing your dailies seven times a week. ItArsquo;s perfect, there are literally no downsides.